CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / T / Tommy Oliver

Tommy Oliver

CBUB Wins: 25
CBUB Losses: 19
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 56.82%

Added by: UnconqueredDrifter

Read more about Tommy Oliver at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Bandai America

Dr. Thomas "Tommy" Oliver is a fictional character from the universe of the American children's television franchise Power Rangers. He is a main character in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series, as well as four of its successive incarnations Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo, and Power Rangers Dino Thunder (where he returns as a legendary Power Ranger veteran). He also appeared in the Power Rangers Wild Force episode "Forever Red" and the Power Rangers S.P.D. episode "Wormhole." He has been portrayed by actor Jason David Frank in virtually all of his appearances, but in the episode "Wormhole", he appeared only in Ranger form and was voiced by actor Jeffrey Parazzo. He was also infrequently portrayed by actor Michael R. Gotto in instances where the story required depicting the character during childhood, such as Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers.

Tommy is the longest-serving Power Ranger in the franchise's history and is believed by some to be the best Ranger ever within the show's continuity.

Tommy is first introduced in the MMPR mini-saga "Green with Evil." As a new student at Angel Grove High School, Tommy faces the Red Ranger and leader of the Power Rangers, Jason Lee Scott, in a martial arts tournament, catching the attention of both the Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart and the evil witch Rita Repulsa. Tommy's fighting talent equaled that of Jason, prompting Rita to turn him into the Green Power Ranger. Rita casts an evil spell to make Tommy loyal to her, granting him limited magic-based powers on top of the Dragon Power Coin. The reason for this is because his Ranger powers are fueled by Rita's dark magic rather than the Morphing Grid, like the other Rangers. Following a battle with the Putties to test his skills, Tommy's given mission is to destroy Zordon, the Command Center, and the Power Rangers, leaving the world defenseless against Rita's conquest.

Tommy succeeds with the majority of his mission, discarding Zordon, demolishing the Command Center, and infecting Alpha with a virus while ejecting the Power Rangers from their own Megazord. His Green Ranger powers give him an added tool not possessed by the other Rangers, the Dragon Shield. Controlled by the Dragon Dagger, the Dragon Shield promotes advanced healing and can deflect energy attacks. Added to this is the ability to generate powerful energy projections, and the Green Ranger is able to contend with all of the other Power Rangers at once, to be warded off only by the Megazord.

Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver Tommy Oliver

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

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CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Voltron 32 to 44
Win Powerpuff DYNAMO 43 to 33
Loss Anakin Skywalker 43 to 62
Loss Raphael (TMNT) 34 to 49
Win Zorak 57 to 42
Loss Link 40 to 61
Win Mechagodzilla 51 to 50
Loss Batman 23 to 58
Loss Ben 10 10 to 11
Win Black Cat 11 to 8
Loss The Decepticons 7 to 25
Win Mew Ichigo 11 to 9
Win Mew Zakuro 12 to 4
Win Space Power Rangers 15 to 4
Win Adam Park 15 to 3
Win Jason Lee Scott 14 to 6
Loss Ku Fei 11 to 14
Loss Luke Skywalker 10 to 17
Loss Pee Wee Herman 7 to 8
Loss Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger 5 to 8
Loss Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Movie Univ 4 to 18
Win Lord Zedd 16 to 9
Win Princess Celestia 12 to 9
Win Shang Tsung 16 to 11
Win Wendigo (Marvel) 15 to 10
Loss Deathstroke 10 to 21
Win Edward Cullen 18 to 10
Win Son Goku (DBE Live Action) 16 to 4
Win Runner Alien 18 to 17
Win Adam Park 17 to 3
Loss Batman (Terry McGinnis) 11 to 23
Loss The Autobots 6 to 12
Win John Kreese 6 to 0
Loss Ransik 2 to 4
Loss Rasslor 1 to 3
Win AkaRed 5 to 1
Win Billy Cranston 5 to 1
Win Zombie Spider-Man 7 to 1
Win Rita Repulsa 4 to 3

Fantasy Teams Season 2 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Makoto Nanaya 15 to 14
Win Black Spider 17 to 1
Win Bruce Lee 14 to 7
Loss Akuma 9 to 27