CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / R / Ransik


CBUB Wins: 2
CBUB Losses: 2
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 50.00%

Added by: Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes)

Read more about Ransik at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Saban

The fictional villains of the Power Rangers universe that appeared in the television series Power Rangers Time Force were, for the most part, mutant criminals that had travelled back in time with the criminal (exceptions include his robotic minion , and the demon , who appeared only once in the crossover with Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue).

Villains from this series are also notable due to the fact that they are portrayed more as sympathetic characters than outright evil. Ransik, and the other mutants, are shown to be byproducts of the future's genetic experiments, and were shunned by much of society. In the finale, certain characters were redeemed by the Time Force Power Rangers and willingly gave themselves up for judgment, returning in the following series to aid the Rangers in the crossover with Power Rangers: Wild Force.

Ransik (played by Vernon Wells and whose name is probably based on a term "ransack") is a mutant created by accident in the year 3000 and the main antagonist in Power Rangers Time Force. He had possessed abilities such as energy projection, martial arts, and telekinesis. After being bitten by the mutant Venomark, he became dependent on a serum developed by . He rewarded the scientist by setting his lab on fire and leaving him for dead. He also encountered the last surviving Orgs, who had been turned to stone. In exchange for letting them copy his mutant DNA to escape, Ransik gained greater power (such as the ability to pull weapons from his skin).

Ransik's plans involved commandeering the Time Force cryo-prison and traveling back in time to take over with an army of mutants. He was thwarted in his first attempt by Alex, the original Red Time Force Ranger, whom narrowly manages to arrest him. However, en route to the prison, Ransik was rescued by his daughter and his minion . They escaped and accomplished Ransik's goals, and also put Alex out of action for a long amount of time. Alex was, in fact, believed dead – motivating Jen, the Pink Time Force Ranger, to seek justice and revenge.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 5 to 3
Loss Mirai Sentai Timeranger 1 to 2
Win Tommy Oliver 4 to 2
Loss Lord Zedd 0 to 6

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