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Ye Old Archives
The Xenomorphs vs. Vampire(s) by Culwych1
Gozer the Gozerian vs. Vigo the Carpathian by Boratz
Paige Matthews vs. Tatum Riley by JohnnyChany
Hera Syndulla vs. Ravager Alien by Boratz
Damien Thorn vs. Gabriel by Tyrannoraptor
Storm vs. Tia Halibel by Venom 2009
Weapons Merchant (Resident Evil 4) vs. Vincent Gambini vs. Jackie Chiles by Mercenaryblade
Nancy Wheeler vs. Kirsty Cotton by JohnnyChany
NM-E vs. Muse (Marvel Comics) vs. Harvey Specter by leroypowell3
Deadpool vs. Luc Deveraux by Tyrannoraptor
Tia by JohnnyChany
Urdnot Wrex vs. Jungle Hunter (Predator) by Tyrannoraptor