CBUB / Database / Games / M / Makoto Nanaya

Makoto Nanaya

CBUB Wins: 2
CBUB Losses: 1
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 66.67%

Added by: Venom 2009

Read more about Makoto Nanaya at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Arc System Works

This is a list of characters in BlazBlue series.


is the main protagonist of the BlazBlue series. Also known as the Grim Reaper, he is feared by the NOL for being the most powerful individual to have ever rebel against them since the Ikaruga Civil War. His actions, which included destroying countless number of their branches, has labeled him the most wanted criminal to received the largest bounty ever in the history of the NOL. He possesses a powerful form of ars magus called the Azure Grimoire, or simply referred to as the titular BlazBlue, which is often either the secondary or primary target of those after him and his bounty. His ultimate goal is to destroy the NOL, for he blames them for destroying his family. He is 's biological brother, whose rivalry with him stems from an incident that happened when their sister was presumably killed. His right arm is mechanical because his real one was cut off by Terumi, who had taken control of Jin's mind. He was resurrected by Rachel as a Dhampir, causing one of his green eyes to turn red and his once-blond hair to white. The BlazBlue he possesses is only a fragment of an imitation; the true Grimoire is actually destined to be wielded by .

The handle "Bloodedge" refers to the red jacket and sword given to Ragna by Jubei before he left; both items belonged to an obscure warrior named , who fought the Black Beast in order to protect humanity long enough for the Six Heroes to develop the ars magus technology. Jubei called him a friend and a true hero, and Ragna took on the title as Jubei saw him as a student of great potential. In the beginning events of Continuum Shift, Ragna has taken Noel into his care, and starts caring for her much like he did with his sister Saya. In the game's True Ending, he absorbs Lambda's Idea Engine, though the status of it is unknown since he used it to free Noel from the Murakumo armor that reverts her mindstate back into Mu-12.

Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya Makoto Nanaya

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

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CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Alice the Rabbit 3 to 2
Win Leone 3 to 2

Fantasy Teams Season 2 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Tommy Oliver 14 to 15