CBUB / Database / Comics / M / Madison Jeffries (Box)

Madison Jeffries (Box)

CBUB Wins: 2
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 100.00%

Added by: shellsbut

Read more about Madison Jeffries (Box) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel comics

Madison Jeffries is a fictional character, a mutant superhero in the . He first appears in Alpha Flight #16 (Nov 1984) and was created by John Byrne.

Madison Jeffries first appeared in Alpha Flight #16 (November 1984), and was created by John Byrne.

The character subsequently appeared in Alpha Flight #28-30, 33-36, 39, 41 and 109, Alpha Flight Annual #1-2, and Alpha Flight (vol. 2) #1 and 12. He made notable appearances in several non-Alpha Flight titles as well, including in The Incredible Hulk #313, Avengers #320-324, Death Metal vs. Genetix #1-2 and Death Metal #1-2, Weapon X #1, 4, 11-13, and 22, Weapon X: Days of Future Now #1-2 and 5, X-Men: The 198 Files #1, Uncanny X-Men #505, 507-508 and 512, Dark Avengers #8, and Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1.

Madison Jeffries received an entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #6, and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1, and the All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #5 (2006).

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Armor 3 to 1

Fantasy Teams Season 1 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Ashley J. Williams 13 to 12