CBUB / Database / Comics / A / Armor


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 4
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Armor at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Comics

Armor (Hisako Ichiki) is a fictional character who exists in Marvel Comics' shared universe, the Marvel Universe. She is a mutant Japan teenager who is enrolled at the Xavier Institute who retains her powers after the events of Decimation. She first appeared in Astonishing X-Men vol. 3 #4.

Hisako Ichiki is a young girl whose greatest aspiration is one day to be an X-Man. Hisako was one of the students without an official squad before M-Day.

Along with her friend and fellow student, Wing (whom, after his death, she later describes as being her best friend), Hisako is attacked in the halls of the Xavier Institute by the alien villain Ord of the Breakworld. Hisako and Wing attempt to oppose Ord, but are overpowered. While both teenagers survive the attack, Wing discovers that he has been injected with a "cure" for his mutant ability of flight. Despondent, he commits suicide after some goading from a Danger Room hologram of her. In the wake of this tragedy, Hisako, her teacher Kitty Pryde, and several Xavier students find themselves trapped in a sentient and hostile Danger Room with Wing's reanimated corpse. Danger, as the intelligence is named by the X-Men, eventually leaves the Institute.

When M-Day hit, she was one of 27 students to maintain her powers. She participated in Emma Frost's Battle Royale which determined who will train to be an X-Man. Hisako later appeared alongside the New X-Men when the Acolytes attack the mansion. Her appearance is extremely brief and with no dialogue. She is recognizable only because she "Armors up" during the fight.

Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Black Zero (Kon-El) 9 to 14
Loss Hiroim 7 to 9
Loss Ajax 5 to 10
Loss Madison Jeffries (Box) 1 to 3

No Fantasy Draft Records Available