CBUB / Database / Comics / Q / The Question

The Question

CBUB Wins: 30
CBUB Losses: 11
Win Percentage: 73.17%

Added by: Ren

Read more about The Question at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

The Question (alias Vic Sage, real name Charles "Charlie" Victor Szasz) is the name used by a number of superhero in comic book published by DC Comics. The original was created by writer-artist Steve Ditko, and first appeared in Blue Beetle #1 (June 1967). Originally created for Charlton Comics, the character was acquired by DC Comics in the early 1980s and incorporated into the DC Universe. Following the events of the series 52, his protege Renee Montoya has succeeded him as the Question.

As conceived by Ditko, the Question was an adherent of Objectivism during his career as a minor Charlton hero, much like Ditko's earlier creation, Mr. A. In a 1987-1990 solo series from DC, the character developed a Zen-like philosophy.

Based in Hub City, Vic Sage made his mark as a highly outspoken and aggressive investigative journalist. Not long after starting his TV appearances, he began to investigate Dr. Arby Twain.

Sage was approached by his former professor, scientist Aristotle Rodor, who told Sage about an artificial skin he had co-developed with Dr. Twain called Pseudoderm. Pseudoderm was intended to work as an applied skin-like bandage with the help of a bonding gas, but it had an unforeseen toxicity which was sometimes fatal when applied to open wounds. Rodor and Twain agreed to abandon the project and parted ways, but Professor Rodor discovered that Dr. Twain had decided to proceed with an illegal sale of the invention to Third World nations, regardless of the risk to human health.

The Question The Question The Question

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Cthulhu 59 to 39
Win The Spirit 67 to 22
Win The Big Question 66 to 26
Win Ozymandias (Watchmen) 53 to 35
Win David Xanatos 54 to 17
Win Patrick Bateman 69 to 29
Loss Carmen Sandiego 68 to 76
Win Fox Mulder and Dana Scully 65 to 35
Win The Riddler 53 to 49
Loss Batman 48 to 63
Win Martian Manhunter 59 to 35
Win Santa Claus 46 to 36
Win Umbrella Corporation 86 to 26
Loss Nightwing 37 to 74
Win L (Death Note) 59 to 30
Win Rorschach 62 to 28
Win Rorschach 66 to 32
Win The Burger King 50 to 23
Win V 50 to 44
Loss Batman 11 to 20
Loss James Bond 9 to 10
Win Two-Face 14 to 4
Win Dick Tracy 19 to 4
Win T-800 (The Terminator) 21 to 13
Win Kingpin 20 to 11
Loss Bane 12 to 17
Win The Town of Silent Hill 16 to 6
Win Michael Myers 8 to 6
Win Puck (Gargoyles) 13 to 4
Win Chameleon (Marvel) 8 to 1
Loss Mysterio 6 to 9
Loss Sherlock Holmes 1 to 5

Fantasy Teams Season 2 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Jonah Hex 12 to 14
Win Artemis Fowl II 9 to 8

Fantasy Teams Season 6 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Joe Swanson 9 to 0
Win Dale Cooper 8 to 1
Win Rust Cohle 6 to 1
Loss Elisa Maza 4 to 5

Fantasy Teams Season 9 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Kite Man 8 to 7
Loss Deathstroke 5 to 6
Win Hannibal Lecter 5 to 3