Read more about Serpentera at: Wikipedia Official Site: Saban Season two of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, an American television series created by Haim Saban and Shuki Levy, began airing July 21, 1994, on Fox Kids. The series follows six teenagers chosen by the wise sage Zordon to become "Power Rangers" in order to stop the evil Rita Repulsa from taking over the planet Earth. The second season comrpises 52 episodes and concluded its initial airing May 20, 1995. The second season of MMPR uses footage and elements from the Super Sentai series Gosei Sentai Dairanger. Regular cast members during season two include Amy Jo Johnson, David Yost, Walter Jones, Thuy Trang, Jason David Frank, Austin St. John, Jason Narvy, and Paul Schrier. Jones, Trang, and St. John are later replaced with Johnny Yong Bosch, Karan Ashley, Steve Cardenas respectively as new characters, but taking on the previous characters' colors and powers. Season two takes picks up directly where season one left off, with the Rangers facing off against the evil Rita Repulsa and her wicked schemes. However, a new villain, Lord Zedd, is introduced. He seals Rita back into her dumpster and takes over as the new main villain for the Rangers. However, later in the season, Rita returns and tricks Zedd into marrying her, and they face the Rangers as a team. Tommy (Frank) loses his powers as the Green Ranger and later becomes the new White Ranger. Jason (St. John), Trini (Trang), and Zack (Jones) resign as Power Rangers to participate in a teen world peace conference and are replaced by Rocky DeSantos (Cardenas), Aisha Campbell (Ashley), and Adam Park (Bosch) respectively. Bulk and Skull (Schrier and Narvy) begin their endless hunt to find the secret identities of the Power Rangers.
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