CBUB / Database / Fantasy / B / Bragi


CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 2
Win Percentage: 33.33%

Added by: Dinsdale Piranha

Read more about Bragi at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Public Domain

Bragi is the skald god of poetry in Norse mythology.

Bragi is generally associated with bragr, the Norse word for poetry. The name of the god may have been derived from bragr, or the term bragr may have been formed to describe 'what Bragi does'. A connection between the name Bragi and Old English brego 'chieftain' has been suggested but is generally now discounted. A connection between Bragi and the bragarfull 'promise cup' is sometimes suggested, as bragafull, an alternate form of the word, might be translated as 'Bragi's cup'. See Bragarfull.

In Skáldskaparmál Snorri writes:

That Bragi is Odin's son is clearly mentioned only here and in some versions of a list of the sons of Odin (see Sons of Odin). But "wish-son" in stanza 16 of the Lokasenna could mean "Odin's son" and is translated by Hollander as Odin's kin. Bragi's mother is never named. If Bragi's mother is Frigg, then Frigg is somewhat dismissive of Bragi in the Lokasenna in stanza 27 when Frigg complains that if she had a son in Ægir's hall as brave as Baldr then Loki would have to fight for his life.

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Fantasy Teams Season 12 Record:

View the historical team line-up

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Cúchulainn 1 to 11
Win Zeus 6 to 3
Tie Horus 4 to 4
Loss Artemis 1 to 8