Read more about Jake Sisko at: Wikipedia Official Site: Paramount Television Jacob "Jake" Sisko, played by Cirroc Lofton, is a character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He is the son of Deep Space Nine's commanding officer, Benjamin Sisko. Jake was born in 2355 to Jennifer Sisko, who was killed in 2367 during the Battle of Wolf 359, when Benjamin Sisko served aboard the USS Saratoga. In 2369, he reluctantly moved with his father to space-station Deep Space Nine. Jake soon becomes friends with a Ferengi named Nog, son of Rom, despite the disapproval of both of their fathers. Jake and Nog become the first students to enroll in Keiko O'Brien's school. When Rom pulls Nog out of school, Jake secretly tutors him. The pair also briefly form the "Nog-Jay Consortium" as a front for their business schemes. Jake aspires to be a writer, though he declines a scholarship to the Pennington School (New Zealand) in 2371. He briefly dates a Bajoran dabo girl named Mardah, against his father's approval, who embarrasses Jake by revealing his penchant for dom-jot hustling and poetry to his father. In 2372, Jake writes a draft of his first novel, "Anslem" under the influence of Onaya, an alluring alien woman who feeds on creative neural energy by tactile absorption through the cranium ("The Muse"). No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |