CBUB / Database / Fantasy / B / Blade (Masters Of The Universe)

Blade (Masters Of The Universe)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: razorback

Read more about Blade (Masters Of The Universe) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Warner Bros.

Masters of the Universe is a 1987 science-fiction fantasy film based on the toy line by the same name. The movie stars Dolph Lundgren as He-Man and Frank Langella as Skeletor. Other actors include Jon Cypher as Man-At-Arms, Chelsea Field as Teela, Billy Barty as Gwildor, and Courteney Cox.

The film was released in the United States on August 7, 1987 after the popularity of the toy line and cartoon had peaked.

On the Planet Eternia, at the center of the Universe, the forces of Skeletor (Frank Langella) have managed to seize control over Castle Grayskull, and after defeating (off-screen) the biggest part of Eternia's armies, capture the Sorceress of Grayskull (Christina Pickles). Skeletor is planning to exploit Grayskull's hidden powers when the "Great Eye of the Galaxy", a portal in the castle's throne room, opens and Eternia's moon is correctly aligned with it.

The remaining Eternian forces are scattered and outnumbered. One of Skeletor's patrols is attacked by Eternia's greatest warrior and Skeletor's archenemy, He-Man (Dolph Lundgren), veteran soldier Man-At-Arms (Jon Cypher) and his daughter Teela (Chelsea Field). During the battle, He-Man rescues a Thenorian inventor/locksmith named Gwildor (Billy Barty), who reveals to his rescuers his newest invention: a "Cosmic Key", which can open a portal to any location in time and space. Skeletor stole the Key from him and used it to get into Castle Grayskull, but Gwildor managed to keep the prototype. Gwildor leads the others into a secret passageway straight to the Castle before a field commander of Skeletor's armies named Karg can storm the Thenorian's house.

Blade (Masters Of The Universe) has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.