Read more about Windcharger at: Wikipedia Official Site: Hasbro Windcharger (Charger in Japan, Rapido in Canada, Lampo in Italy, Camaro in South America, Rasryadnik in Russia) was one of the original toys in the Transformers line when Hasbro started producing them in 1984. In robot mode, Windcharger's arms act as the positive and negative poles of a magnet. He can cast powerful magnetic fields at distances up to 700 feet. He can levitate a 10-ton block of steel at that distance. He can attract objects that are affected by magnetism toward him or repel them. At closer distances he can rip them apart. According to original tech spec notes written by Bob Budiansky found at Iacon One in 2006 the original name for Windcharger was Sprint. Windcharger was featured on the cover of the Transformers Collectors Club Magazine #37.
Windcharger has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.