CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / J / Juliet Burke

Juliet Burke

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: EvanAlmighty

Read more about Juliet Burke at: Wikipedia

Official Site: ABC

Dr. Juliet Burke (née Carlson) is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Elizabeth Mitchell. Her character was introduced in the third season premiere and died in the sixth season opening episode. After learning of her character's fate of being killed off of the series, the actress read the script for V and subsequently landed the lead role. Juliet dies in James "Sawyer" Ford's arms from her injuries after she sets off the Jughead bomb.

When Juliet was a child, Juliet's parents tell her they are getting divorced, greatly upsetting her; they claim though they love each other, they were not meant to be together.

Before coming to the island, Dr. Juliet Burke lived in Miami near her sister Rachel's apartment. Juliet was working for her ex-husband Edmund Burke as a fertility scientist at Miami Central University. While there, Edmund bullied an acquiescent Juliet and flaunted his sexual conquests. Despite her docile nature, Juliet, alluding to her ends justify the means philosophy, was performing unauthorized experiments on her sister, Rachel. Rachel's reproductive system had been ravaged by chemotherapy, rendering her sterile. Juliet was attempting to restore her fertility.

In 2001 she was approached and offered a job with Mittelos Bioscience. Alleging her ex-husband would never allow her to leave, Juliet jokingly asserted she would not be able to accept the job offer unless he were hit by a bus. When Juliet returned home, her sister revealed to her that she was pregnant, prompting Juliet to locate and inform Edmund. After receiving the news, Edmund stepped off the sidewalk and onto the street, only to be hit by a bus. Edmund died from the injuries, and the representative from the company who had interviewed her earlier, Richard Alpert, showed up at the morgue with Ethan Rom. They expressed their condolences and again asked her to join their company. Juliet accepted. Soon after this, Rachel's cancer went into remission.

Juliet Burke has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.