Read more about Power Man & Iron Fist at: Wikipedia Official Site: Marvel Entertainment Power Man and Iron Fist (originally Luke Cage, Hero for Hire then Luke Cage, Power Man) was a Marvel comic book featuring the superhero Power Man and Iron Fist. Originally the series had debuted as Hero For Hire #1, though it became Power Man from #17 onwards. The cover logo included Luke's name, so from #1–16 the cover logo read Luke Cage, Hero For Hire and from #17 onwards Luke Cage, Power Man. Luke's name was not part of the official series title, although it was part of the cover logo. Eventually, however, Power Man's sales became unsustainable. At that time, the decision was made to combine his series with that of another Marvel hero whose series had just been cancelled. Iron Fist, whose solo series had run for 15 issues (the dangling "Steel Serpent" storyline was wrapped up in Marvel Team-Up), combined with Cage's title, taking his supporting cast, including Colleen Wing and Misty Knight, with him. Iron Fist joined the cast of Power Man in a three-parter in #48–50. Power Man's name changed to Power Man and Iron Fist with #50. Again, there was a discrepancy between the cover logo and the indicia. The cover logo was titled "Power Man and Iron Fist", but the indicia did not reflect this change until #67. CBUB Match Record:
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