Read more about The Warden at: Wikipedia Official Site: Augenblock Studios Superjail! is an American animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios. The series follows the events that take place in an unusual prison. These elements are depicted through highly elaborate animated sequences, which have been described as "baroque and complicated and hard to take in at a single viewing". In November 2009, cable television network Adult Swim revealed via the bumper cards in their commercials that a second season has been ordered and its scripts finished. According to a twitter announcement, Season 2 is now being produced and is expected to arrive in 2011. The majority of Superjail! is set inside the eponymous prison. Externally, Superjail is built inside a volcano which is itself located in a larger volcano. Internally, it seems to constitute its own reality, where the fabric of time and space is extremely fluid and changes at the whim of the Warden. Each episode begins with a linear story and builds up in both violence and psychedelia. Superjail's inmate population is stated by Jared to be in excess of 70,000, although the show's creators mention that the jail processes "billions of inmates". Season one of Superjail! includes the pilot and ten more episodes. A second season was hinted on February 1, 2009, when a bump right before the beginning of Superjail! featured a board poster's question as to the possibility of a second season, with Adult Swim's response that they are "working on it". In November 2009, another bump stated they were working on the scripts for season 2. At Comic-Con 2010, it was stated during Adult Swim's panel that the second season would begin in February or March of 2011. CBUB Match Record:
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