CBUB / Database / Comics / A / The Annihilation Wave

The Annihilation Wave

CBUB Wins: 1
CBUB Losses: 3
Win Percentage: 25.00%

Added by: Diskyr

Read more about The Annihilation Wave at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Annihilation is a Marvel Comics 2006 crossover storyline highlighting several relatively under-used outer space-related characters in the Marvel Universe. The series was piloted by Keith Giffen, with editor Andy Schmidt.

Annihilation started with a 48-page one-shot issue entitled Annihilation: Prologue which was released on March 15, 2006 and then followed by four 4-issue mini-series: Annihilation: Silver Surfer (April 1, 2006), Annihilation: Super-Skrull (April 12, 2006), Annihilation: Nova (April 19, 2006), and Annihilation: Ronan (April 26, 2006). The event concludes with a 6-issue limited series entitled Annihilation, bringing the four stories together, and a Post-Annihilation 2-issue mini-series. The limited series Drax the Destroyer: Earth Fall (September 28, 2005) was a prelude to the event.

In this series, by Keith Giffen and Mitch Breitweiser, Drax is seen on a ship with Paibok, Lunatik, and the Blood Brothers. They are to be transported to an intergalactic prison, but the ship crashes on Earth under mysterious circumstances.

Drax attacks the others to keep them from harming innocent lives. When he is seemingly killed by Paibok, a new body emerges from the remains, appearing to have lost some of his strength and resilience, as well as his ability to fly and shoot energy blasts.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Youngblood 8 to 12
Loss Green Lantern Corps 12 to 19
Loss Superboy-Prime 12 to 18
Win Female Furies 17 to 9

No Fantasy Draft Records Available