CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / S / Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000)

Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000)

CBUB Wins: 13
CBUB Losses: 7
CBUB Ties: 1
Win Percentage: 65.00%

Added by: Ardius

Read more about Space Marines (Warhammer 40,000) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Games Workshop PLC

In the universe of Warhammer 40,000 (or Warhammer 40k) setting created by Games Workshop, the Space Marines are elite human soldiers enhanced to superhuman levels through genetic therapy, surgical modifications, and hypnotic indoctrination. The standard Space Marine is the Imperial Space Marine following the Codex Astartes created by Roboute Guilliman, but several variations exist, such as corrupted Chaos Space Marines and the elite Grey Knights.

The Space Marines are a playable army for the table-top miniature wargame Warhammer 40,000.

Space Marines are featured in the wargame and in spin-off games such as Epic and Inquisitor, in several computer game, and in the novels based on the setting produced by Black Library.

Space Marines are featured in:

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Juggernaut 27 to 77
Loss Chaos Space Marines 46 to 47
Win Killer Klowns From Outer Space 75 to 18
Win Stormtroopers 68 to 41
Win Replicators 68 to 35
Loss Doctor Strange 34 to 64
Tie Master Chief 53 to 53
Loss T-1000 (Terminator) 42 to 47
Win The Xenomorphs 61 to 40
Win Arachnids of Klendathu 67 to 37
Loss Mandalorian Supercommandos 38 to 57
Win The MythBusters 51 to 33
Loss The Hulk 141 to 157
Loss Darth Bane 42 to 47
Win The Thing (John Carpenter) 17 to 2
Win The Covenant (Halo) 8 to 6
Win Apes (Planet of the Apes) 18 to 5
Win Terminators 11 to 5
Win Fremen 9 to 6
Win Tyranids 18 to 2
Win The Borg 15 to 7

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