CBUB / Database / Anime / K / Krillin


CBUB Wins: 11
CBUB Losses: 5
Win Percentage: 68.75%

Added by: The Dog

Read more about Krillin at: Wikipedia

Official Site: FUNimation

is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga, authored by Akira Toriyama, and later adapted to anime.

Krillin is introduced in Dragon Ball as a rival of the main character, Son Goku. Later in the series, he can also be seen having a close relationship with Goku, as well as his child, Son Gohan. Krillin eventually settles down and marries Android #18 after the Cell Games to have a child named Marron.

Toriyama originally created Krillin along with the Tenkaichi Budokai as a method to help add depth to the story, as his publicist Torishima had stated that the series' main protagonist, Son Goku, was too plain.

Krillin's appearance stays relatively the same for the majority of the series. He is first introduced at the age of thirteen, with a shaved head and still dressed in the clothing worn at the monastery he had been training at. He does not possess a nose, and has six spots of incense burns on his forehead, a reference to the practice of Shaolin monks. After the end of the Cell Games Saga Krillin stops shaving his head, and grows his hair out. His outfit also changes as the series progress. When he first appears in Dragon Ball, he wears the yellow-and-orange garb of a monk. Later, he wears the orange gi uniform that is presented to both himself and Goku by Master Roshi in honor of their first martial arts competition. Occasionally he is seen in casual clothes, but for the most part continues to dress for training or fighting at all times. During the Frieza Saga, he wears Saiyan armor provided by Vegeta, but during the Cell Saga he returns to wearing the orange gi, accompanied by a blue short-sleeved undershirt and boots. Prior to the Great Saiyaman Saga, Krillin opted to settle down with his new family, and allows his black hair to finally grow out. From this point on he is shown wearing a workout outfit consisting of a red short-sleeved shirt and brown drawstring pants. Finally, he is shown in DBGT sporting a moustache, wearing grey pants, shirt and tie with a cardigan in his few appearances.

Krillin Krillin Krillin Krillin Krillin

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Win Mewtwo 57 to 45
Win Rock Lee 64 to 48
Loss Dark Phoenix 25 to 66
Win Ken Masters 51 to 44
Win Kazuma Kuwabara 53 to 25
Loss Piccolo 21 to 74
Win Ganondorf 62 to 48
Win Doctor Light (Arthur Light) 54 to 38
Win Viewtiful Joe 41 to 32
Loss Piccolo 9 to 31
Win Sailor Venus 13 to 6
Win Yusuke Urameshi 12 to 11
Win Carol Danvers 13 to 11
Loss Akuma 16 to 17

No Fantasy Draft Records Available