CBUB / Database / Comics / R / Rainbow Raider

Rainbow Raider

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Read more about Rainbow Raider at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Rainbow Raider (Roy G. Bivolo) is a fictional supervillain appearing in comic books by DC Comics. His real name is a pun based on the acronym "ROYGBIV" (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet, pronounced roy-gee-bihv), a mnemonic for the colors of a rainbow. He is a minor, though recurring, enemy of the Flash and other heroes.

Rainbow Raider made his live-action debut in The Flash s first season, played by Paul Anthony.

Rainbow Raider first appeared in The Flash #286 (June 1980), and was created by Cary Bates and Don Heck. Bates said in a 2008 interview that "Rainbow Raider's color-blindness (as well as the color-emotion powers and origin) was an attempt on his part to emulate those classic Rogues' Gallery villain origins Bates enjoyed so much from the sixties".

As a child, Roy G. Bivolo always dreamed of a career as an artist, a lofty goal considering he was completely colorblind. He would often paint what he thought were beautiful pieces of art, only to be told that it was made up of clashing colors. His father, an optometrist and genius in optical technology, swore he would find a cure for his son's disorder. Due to failing health, he was unable to complete his product, but instead created a sophisticated pair of goggles that would allow Roy to create beams of solid rainbow-colored light. On his death-bed, his father presents him with this gift, and it was not long before Roy found a sinister use for it.

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