CBUB / Database / Fantasy / M / Monster Slayer Twins (Navajo)

Monster Slayer Twins (Navajo)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Dinsdale Piranha

Read more about Monster Slayer Twins (Navajo) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Public Domain

( ), the Navajo creation story, describes the prehistoric emergence of the Navajos, and centers on the area known as the Dinétah, the traditional homeland of the Navajo people.

This story forms the basis for the traditional Navajo way of life. The basic outline of begins with the (Holy Wind) being created, the mist of light which arose through the darkness to animate and bring purpose to the myriad (Holy People), supernatural and sacred in the different three lower worlds. All these things were spiritually created in the time before the earth existed and the physical aspect of humans did not exist yet, but the spiritual did.

The First World was small and centered on an island floating in a the middle of four seas. The inhabitants of the first world were , Coyote, mist beings and various insect people. The supernatural beings First Woman and First Man came into existence here and met for the first time after seeing each other's fire. The various beings started fighting with one another and departed by flying out an opening in the east.

They journeyed to the Second World, , which was inhabited by various blue-gray furred mammals and various birds, including blue swallows. The beings from the First World offended Swallow Chief, , and they were asked to leave. First Man created a wand of jet and other materials to allow the people to walk upon it up into the next world through an opening in the south.

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