CBUB / Database / Comics / W / Wise Son

Wise Son

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: leroypowell3

Read more about Wise Son at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC

The Blood Syndicate is a fictional multicultural gang of superhumans created by Milestone Comics and published by DC Comics. The team first appeared in Blood Syndicate #1 (April 1993), and was created by Dwayne McDuffie, Ivan Velez Jr. and Denys Cowan.

In Milestone Comics' fictional city of Dakota, the Blood Syndicate is a loose affiliation of super-powered individuals brought together by circumstance; 35 issues of their eponymous comic book, written largely by Ivan Velez, Jr., were published between 1993 and 1996.

The Blood Syndicate differed from other supergroups in that they were (in Velez's words) "not a team - they're a gang". In fact, they were the surviving remnants of multiple street gang (thus the name, a combination of "Paris Island Bloods" and "Force Syndicate"), who had gained superpowers in the so-called Big Bang, and decided to use them for a greater purpose. However, their constant in-fighting, the unsustainability of their methods, and their lack of a central vision (particularly after the death of their first leader) led to the Syndicate's eventual disintegration.

The "Big Bang" refers to an incident in which gang members from all over Dakota met in one, huge battle. Unknown to them, or even to the police involved, the tear gas used to disperse them was tagged with a radioactive agent called "quantum juice." Many gang members and police officers died. Others are transformed, some according to what they are next to; for instance, Aquamaria, landing in water, gains water powers, and Brickhouse merges with a brick wall and becomes brick. Other entities are affected in other ways. Dogg, a normal dog, discovers he has cognitive abilities and develops speech. Other heroes and villains that the Syndicate would encounter later would also gained their abilities from encounters with the gas. Some of them, such as Static, were neither gang members nor police.

Wise Son has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.