CBUB / Database / Comics / N / Nightmare Rarity

Nightmare Rarity

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Venom 2009

Read more about Nightmare Rarity at: Wikipedia

Official Site: IDW Publishing

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a monthly comic series based on the animated television show of the same name. The first issue was published in November 2012 by IDW Publishing, under license from Hasbro who own the My Little Pony franchise. The series is typically written in four-issue story arcs; Katie Cook and Andy Price write and illustrate one arc, respectively, while Heather Nuhfer and Amy Mebberson perform the same on the subsequent arc. A separate "micro-series" of single issue comics, featuring a story around a single character, was also ordered, with Thom Zaller writing the first issue.

The series provides stories based on the established fictional universe of the television show. It follows the studious unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her friends in adventures around the town of Ponyville. Though the comic, like the show, is aimed at a young female demographic, Cook and Price have included material to appeal to bronies, the older, predominately male fans of the show, such as cultural references and show elements envisioned by the fandom.

The first issue had seen more than 100,000 pre-orders prior to its release, making it one of the best-selling comics for its month of release and for 2012, and requiring IDW to issue a second printing; it was only one of two non-DC, non-Marvel comics to be in the top 100 comics sold in 2012. Subsequent issues were monthly best sellers and represented IDW's highest-selling property. Journalists in the comic industry noted that with the older fans likely buying comics for the first time in many years, the success of the My Little Pony comic could aid the ailing industry. The first issue was highly praised in capturing the spirit of the characters and presentation of the show, and providing a good introduction to the show's mythos for those that had not watched the show before.

The resulting show, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, was well received by parents, but found another unexpected target audience through the Internet photo-board, 4chan, primarily adult males from 13 to 35 years old. Quickly expanding through the Internet, the fandom came to use the term "brony" (a portmanteau of "bro" and "pony") to describe themselves. The brony fandom is attributed to Faust and her creative team for including strong characters, cross-generational appeal, cultural references, the show's expressive Flash-based animation, and the ability for the showrunners to communicate and reciprocate with the fandom, such as including fan-derived elements within the show. Hasbro was also caught off-guard by this surprise demographic but have come to embrace it, using licensing deals to market clothes, media, and other merchandise beyond the toys to the older audience.

Nightmare Rarity has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.