CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / T / Tony DiNozzo

Tony DiNozzo

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Official Site: CBS

Anthony "Tony" D. DiNozzo Jr. is a fictional character and protagonist from the CBS TV series NCIS. He is portrayed by American actor Michael Weatherly. Having first appeared in the pilot episode, "Ice Queen", on JAG, he is one of three characters to appear in every episode of the series, the others being Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Abby Sciuto.

Michael Weatherly was cast for the role of Tony DiNozzo in 2003. Series creator Don Bellisario related the events that led to Weatherly being selected: "I liked him from the first moment I met him. I first met him in Australia, where he was doing the Natalie Wood story, and he was playing RJ. And the agents called me, or the casting director called me, and said, 'I would like you to meet Michael Weatherly.' And I was on my last day down there, and I said, 'Yeah, I'm going home tomorrow. You know, I'll meet him when he comes back to the States. I'm going out to dinner with my family tonight. I just don't have the time.' I received a phone call from Michael, and Michael knows how to flatter you. He started off by saying, "Oh, I love Magnum, P.I....' And then he started telling me all the things he knew about Magnum, P.I. And I said, 'Look, if you want to go to dinner with me and my wife and two of my boys, you're welcome.' Well, that ended up to be a three hour dinner. It might have gone longer. I liked him so much that I cast him in the show after that meeting."

On another occasion, Bellisario stated, "I can't say enough about Michael Weatherly...He started out on NCIS [playing] a character who was just very unlikable to some women because he was just such a chauvinist, and he has gradually over the [seasons] changed. Taken his character and softened it."

Weatherly later commented, "I got very lucky with Don Bellisario. He directed two of the first three episodes, and he really pushed me to try things and experiment and some of the wacky comedy came out of that. And it was kind of unexpected and I didn't really know what I was going to find."

Tony DiNozzo Tony DiNozzo Tony DiNozzo Tony DiNozzo

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