CBUB / Database / Horror / S / SCP-682


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: RakaiThwei

Read more about SCP-682 at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Public Domain

SCP: Containment Breach is an indie psychological horror video game by Finnish game developer Regalis based on the stories of the SCP Foundation website.

The player guides a test subject, D-9341, through many obstacles inside of a facility belonging to the SCP Foundation.

The game's primary mechanic is the Blink meter, which displays the amount of time until the player must blink - the primary antagonist, SCP-173, is a hostile statue which instantly kills anyone it encounters but is unable to move under a direct line of sight. The second main enemy, SCP-106, can pass through solid matter and attacks by sending the player to a "pocket dimension". Version 0.6 saw the addition of SCP-096, a normally docile humanoid that will kill the player if they make eye contact with its face. Version 0.7 saw the additions of five new SCP's, SCP-008 (The Zombie Plague) , SCP-012 (A Bad Composition), SCP-049 (The Plague Doctor), SCP-500-01 (Panacea), and SCP-1025 (The Encyclopedia of Diseases), along with a better organization given the new "zones".

Some enemies, such as SCP-372 ("Peripheral Jumper"), cannot kill the player, but serve to hinder them. Regalis (the game's creator) has confirmed that more SCPs, including SCP 860 (a key which unlocks a door to a parallel universe) and SCP-682 (an invulnerable reptilian creature), will be added to the game later.

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