CBUB / Database / Anime / F / Flamedramon


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Added by: stargazer69

Read more about Flamedramon at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Toei Animation

This is a list of characters from the Digimon anime series Digimon Adventure, and its sequel series Digimon Adventure 02.

Taichi "Tai" Kamiya, known as in Japan, is adventurous, athletic, and charismatic and the main protagonist of Digimon Adventure, which easily makes him the leader of the DigiDestined. However, his aggressive, impulsive personality often puts him in danger. He eventually learns empathy and compassion are key to success instead of reckless courage. Back at his home in Odaiba, Tai is the star player on his school's soccer team. He is best friends with Sora Takenouchi.

As revealed later in the series, Tai became a Digidestined as the result of him and his younger sister Kari caring for a hatched Botamon that eventually digivolved into a Greymon to protect them from a Parrotmon attacking Highton View Terrace. When he and the others first arrived in the Digital World, meeting their Digimon partners while fleeing from a Kuwagamon, Tai resolves to lead the group on their journey for civilization, generally blazing the trail. After the group gets separated by Devimon scattering File Island into fragments, Tai manages to befriend Frigimon, who takes them to another part of island where Matt and Gabumon are on before the two arrive to Primary Village to rejoin most of the others while protecting T.K. from Leomon before freeing him from the Black Gears' control. It was soon after that Tai and the others learn of their role as DigiDestined prior to their final battle with Devimon and before meeting Gennai who instructs them on the next phase of their adventure. Later making the journey from File Island to the Server Continent, Tai obtained the Crest of Courage during the group's initial confrontation with Etemon. The fact he was the first made Tai arrogant, his ambition to get Agumon to digivolve into ultimate form nearly getting everyone killed when Agumon became SkullGreymon. After Pixiemon restores his confidence by remembering while he learned to ride a bike, Tai manages to face his own fear to activate his Crest and digivolve Greymon to MetalGreymon before the two get sucked into a vortex that takes them to the boy's world.

Returning, Tai learns from Kari that he has been gone for minutes in the real world. Eventually, Tai decides to return to find his friends who by then split up to find him. Managing to gather the group back together, Tai and the others learn of Myotismon's scheme to enter their world to find the Eighth DigiDestined and kill the child. Following after him and his forces, Tai manages to hide Agumon from his parents until Kari and Gatomon are respectively revealed to be the Eighth DigiDestined and her Digimon partner. After Myotismon captures Gatomon and proceeds to isolate Odaiba from the rest of Japan, Tai entrusted Kari to Matt while he attempts to rescue the trapped citizens before joining the others in fighting Myotismon. After a lengthly battle, finding the Digital World beginning to manifest in the sky, Tai and the others decide to go back to restore the balance, battling the Dark Masters and then Apocalymon. However, with Apocalymon's defeat, Tai and others are forced to leave the Digital World as it begins its restoration.

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