CBUB / Database / Games / S / Sander Cohen

Sander Cohen

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: AVP vs The Terminator

Read more about Sander Cohen at: Wikipedia

Official Site: 2K Games

Sander Cohen is a fictional character in the 2007 video game BioShock, developed by Irrational Games (then under the monniker 2K Boston/2K Australia). Cohen lived among the most famous individuals in Rapture. As one of Rapture's more respected musicians, playwrights and poets, Cohen resided in a lavish apartment in Mercury Suites, along with other Rapture celebrities such as Frank Fontaine, Brigid Tenenbaum and Yi Suchong. Following Rapture's civil war and the chaotic months that followed it, Cohen slowly grew extremely paranoid. Cohen was given jurisdiction over an area of the city known as Fort Frolic by Andrew Ryan, the founder of Rapture. The splicers under his domination are often the subject of Cohen's newfound sadistic enjoyment in the death and suffering of others. All around Fort Frolic, examples of Cohen's "art" can be found. These are in fact Splicers encased in plaster.

Sander Cohen was invited personally by Andrew Ryan to reside in Rapture, due to their possible prior friendship, and Cohen's artistic talents. Before Rapture's descent into anarchy, Cohen was a prominent playwright, artist and composer in Fort Frolic. Cohen held a hatred towards rival performer Anna Culpepper, who referred to Cohen as "Ryan's Songbird". Sharing a close relation to Andrew Ryan, Cohen had Chief of security Sullivan murder her. With the competition gone, Cohen experienced a rare era of extravagance before the Rapture Civil War forced him to close Fort Frolic.

Shortly before the Rapture civil war, Cohen was given dominance over Fort Frolic by Andrew Ryan, who locked the area down to prevent its inhabitants from escaping. Similar to Dr. Steinman, Cohen was soon driven insane, mainly due to overuse of plasmids and the frustration generated by lack of appreciation for his work. An audio diary found in Fort Frolic shows that Cohen regrets his decision to move to Rapture.

Before Jack's arrival in Rapture in 1960, Cohen apparently had four major followers (his disciples); Silas Cobb, Martin Finnegan, Hector Rodrigue, and Kyle Fitzpatrick. All of them either betrayed or displeased Cohen at some point.

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