CBUB / Database / Comics / K / Krakoa


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: leroypowell3

Read more about Krakoa at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

Krakoa is a fictional character in Marvel Comics, commonly associated with the X-Men. It is a living island, an intelligent ecosystem able to command all the living things native to its island body, and even its terrain. Its name was derived from the real Indonesia volcano island Krakatoa.

Although Krakoa has made only one notable appearance in the X-Men franchise, it is vividly remembered by the fanbase as the main enemy in what may be the most defining X-Men comic of all time, Giant-Size X-Men #1. Krakoa is directly responsible for the formation of the "new" X-Men. Keith Giffen later spoofed the character as Kooey Kooey Kooey in DC Comics. John Byrne similarly spoofed it as Spragg The Living Hill in Sensational She-Hulk.

Krakoa was originally a very small island in the Pacific Ocean that was located close to where some nuclear bombing tests were done. The radiation somehow turned the island's ecosystem into a hive-mind entity.

In Giant-Size X-Men #1, The X-Men (then consisting of Cyclops, Angel, Havok, Iceman, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), and Polaris) came to the island after Cerebro detected an unknown mutant there, and were captured by Krakoa, who used them as food sources. Cyclops was the only one able to flee, but doesn't remember what happened. Professor X decides to recruit international mutants to save his X-Men (namely Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, Sunfire, Thunderbird, Banshee, and Wolverine) and sends them to Krakoa. Cyclops' group of mutants pair off and after each pair encounter and defeat various aspects of the island, the new X-Men team finds the original X-Men, who are weakened from being fed upon by Krakoa for so long. At this point, it is revealed that it was the island itself that Cerebro had registered as a mutant, and it let Cyclops escape so that he would return with a rescue party that Krakoa would use as more food sources. Krakoa battles the new and old X-Men by forming a giant humanoid body out of its terrain. With a combination of psi interference by Professor X and energy blasts from Cyclops and Havok, Storm is able to supercharge Polaris' magnetic powers with bolts of lightning. Polaris interacts with the Earth's core and creates a magnetic pulse so strong that she is able to launch Krakoa into outer space. The X-Men - now counting thirteen members - are all saved.

Krakoa Krakoa

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

Krakoa has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.