Read more about Tom Anderson at: Wikipedia Official Site: MTV Beavis and Butt-head is an American adult animation series created and designed by Mike Judge. The series originated from "Frog Baseball", a 1992 short film by Judge. After seeing the short, MTV signed Judge to develop the concept. Beavis and Butt-head originally aired from March 8, 1993 to November 28, 1997. It was revived in 2011 and new episodes began airing on MTV on October 27, 2011 to December 29, 2011. The series has retained a cult following. Later, reruns aired on other Viacom properties, including MTV2, Comedy Central and UPN. In 1996, the series was adapted into the animated feature film Beavis and Butt-head Do America. The show centers on two socially awkward, rock-loving teenage delinquents, Beavis and Butt-head (both voiced by Judge), who live in the town of Highland. They have no apparent adult supervision at home, and in one episode (Scientific Stuff) they say that they're not sure if they have the same father or not. They are dim-witted, under-educated, and barely literate, and they both lack any empathy or moral scruples, even regarding each other. Their most common shared activity is watching music videos, which they tend to judge by deeming them "cool," or by claiming, "This sucks!" They also apply these judgments to other things that they encounter, and will usually deem something "cool" if it is associated with violence, sex or the macabre. Despite having no experience with women, their other signature traits are a shared obsession with sex, and their tendency to chuckle and giggle whenever they hear words or phrases that can even remotely be construed as sexual or scatological. Each episode features a few interstitial scenes in which they view videos in this manner, their commentary improvised by Judge, with the rest of the episode depicting them embarking on some scheme or adventure. They attend Highland High School, where their teachers are often at a loss as to how to deal with them; in many episodes they skip school altogether. Their actions sometimes have extreme consequences, but often for others, for which they themselves show no remorse whatsoever. Beavis is voiced by Mike Judge. He has an underbite and a fixed countenance, which is almost always shown in profile. Like Butt-head, Beavis compulsively laughs and grunts. He also has a habit of picking his nose. He is the more excitable of the two; despite his obliviousness to what should be obvious, he is prone to moments of insight. He is more polite and more optimistic than Butt-head. He often suffers physically in the show, either at the hands of Butt-head or various other characters or situations. He usually takes the beating and screams in pain before quickly reverting to his trademark laugh. Before controversy erupted (see below) he exhibited an obsession with fire and his trademark phrase was "FIRE! FIRE!" which he would utter with a maniacal gaze in his eye. One episode depicted him as having voices in his head, which told him to engage in destructive activities; however, generally he has a passive demeanor in contrast to Butt-Head's more dominant personality. Beavis also wears a blue Metallica shirt with gray shorts. (Beavis's shirt in trademark posters, T shirts and other merchandise reads "Death Rock.") When Beavis consumes large amounts of caffeine or sugar, he transforms into his hyperactive alter-ego, Cornholio. Beavis's laugh was based on a "straight A" classmate of creator Mike Judge who had a guttural laugh. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |