CBUB / Database / Comics / K / Klarion the Witch Boy

Klarion the Witch Boy

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: DSkillz

Read more about Klarion the Witch Boy at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Klarion the Witch Boy is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe character first seen in the pages of The Demon in 1973.

Klarion is a young practitioner of the dark arts originally hailing from Witch-World, an otherworldly dimension where everyone is at least somewhat knowledgeable about black magic. The problem was, being a child, he was constantly under the direction of adults who dictated what he could and could not do with his powers, as well as what kind of sorcery he could study. Using his power to open a gateway into the normal universe, Klarion and his cat familiar, Teekl, embarked on a journey to learn all there was to know about witchcraft, as well as cause some chaos along the way.

It had not been long before he attracted the attention of the demon Etrigan, who attempted to send him back to his own dimension several times. A rivalry sparked between the two, and their battles often came down to a competition of spellcraft. In addition to Etrigan, Klarion also crossed paths with Wonder Woman (whose then-friend and roommate Etta Candy was sent to Hell by them), the Flash, Batman, Chase, and Superboy's Ravers.

Not only could Klarion use his magic to wreak havoc, but his cat, Teekl, could assume a were-form under his direction. This granted her increased agility and strength, as well as augmenting her already ferocious personality.

Klarion the Witch Boy has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.