CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / S / Super Mecha Death Christ

Super Mecha Death Christ

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: khoi

Read more about Super Mecha Death Christ at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Cinemassacre

The Angry Video Game Nerd (abbreviated AVGN or The Nerd, formerly known as The Angry Nintendo Nerd) is a web television series of comedic retrogaming video reviews created by and starring James Rolfe. The show's format revolves around Rolfe's commentary and review of older video games which are deemed to be of particularly low-quality or poor design.

The series began as a feature on YouTube, later becoming a program on ScrewAttack Entertainment before moving to GameTrailers exclusively. The show, formerly known as The Angry Nintendo Nerd, was renamed The Angry Video Game Nerd to prevent any trademark issues with Nintendo.

Rolfe's character, "The Nerd" is a short-tempered and foul-mouthed video game fanatic. He derives comic appeal from excessive and inventive use of anger, profanity, and habitual consumption of alcohol while reviewing video games.

The series began when Rolfe made a short review of the NES game Castlevania II: Simon's Quest in 2004 under the title "Bad NES Games". Rolfe decided to make another video which was intended to be the last, because Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was his most disliked game. The videos were produced and published on Cinemassacre.com and the only release outside of the website came as "The Quickies" tape, part of a four VHS tape set called the "Cinemassacre Gold Collection" that Rolfe put together himself with what he considered to be his best films. On April 6, 2006, a friend, Mike Matei, made him a YouTube channel under the name of "JamesNintendoNerd", where the first four episodes were uploaded and began to gain popularity.

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