CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / S / SCP Foundation

SCP Foundation

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: khoi

Read more about SCP Foundation at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Public Domain

SCP: Containment Breach is a free indie survival horror video game based on the stories of the SCP Foundation.

The player guides a test subject-namely D-9431-through many obstacles inside of a facility belonging to the shadowy SCP Foundation. The player must face many hazards, including hostile anomalous creatures and artifacts. The ultimate objective of the game is to reach freedom. In the current version, there are three exits to the facility as of now. The game has a fairly weak model and texture engine, as it is still in development, but it is planned to have much better models and textures by its full release. The player also has an inventory, to which they can hold small items (batteries, keycards, gas masks, etc.) to help them escape.

The game's primary mechanic is the Blink meter, which displays the amount of time until the player must blink. This is centric to the main threats of the game, SCP-173, a hostile statue which instantly kills anyone it encounters, but is unable to move under a direct line of sight. It can move incredibly fast when not being directly looked at. The game also has a sprint meter, which limits the amount of time the player may sprint from anything, centric to the second main enemy, SCP-106. The game also has another SCP that was added in version 0.6. This SCP is know as SCP-096, a normally docile humanoid that will attempt to kill the player if they make eye contact with its face. After the player looks at SCP-096's face, it will not stop chasing the player until it can incapacitate the player. Though not implemented as of yet, Regalis (the game's creator) has confirmed that more SCPs such as SCP-860 and SCP-860-1 (a key which unlocks a door to a parallel universe) will be added to the game. MTF's (Mobile Tasks Forces) are in the game as of V0.5, and view the player as a threat, attempting to kill the player. The Moblie Task Forces attack by shooting and when shot by the Mobile Task Force, the Player will start to bleed in certain areas, the head being the only instakill. When shot at, the player will start limping and losing blood. The player can use med-kits and bullet-proof vests as help against the MTF's. The med-kits will staunch and slow the bleeding down, but will not fully heal you. The bullet proof vest will protect you from shots to the chest, making the MTF's significantly easier to deal with.

The player takes on the role of D-9341, an unwilling test subject for the shadowy SCP Foundation, a group dedicated to the containment and research of anomalous artifacts and lifeforms. 9341 is assigned to testing with SCP-173. During the test, a containment breach occurs, and the site's security is compromised, releasing various deadly beings. Alone in the darkness, 9341's new objective is to survive and escape. This is made difficult by 173, as well as several other objects, including SCP-106, a shadowy, human-like creature capable of moving through walls which hunts him relentlessly, though only at a walking pace, and is capable of pulling the player into a "pocket dimension", an area inside the solid matter 106 passes through. Also, SCP-079, an Artificial Intelligence who is determined to take over the facility, though is detrimental to the player's escape later in the game.

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