CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / P / Pussy Galore

Pussy Galore

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 2
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Boratz

Read more about Pussy Galore at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Ian Fleming

Pussy Galore is a fictional character from the James Bond film and novel Goldfinger. In the film, she is played by Honor Blackman. As with many of Ian Fleming's creations, the name is a double entendre; in this case with respect to pussy, which is another word for cat, or is a slang term for vagina, while galore means an abundant or plentiful supply of something.

Blanche Blackwell, a Jamaican of Anglo-Jewish descent, was considered the love of Fleming's later life and formed his model for Pussy Galore.

In the novel, Pussy Galore is the only known woman in the United States who runs an organised crime gang. Initially trapeze artists, her group of performing cat-women, "Pussy Galore and her Abrocats," were unsuccessful and were later trained as cat burglar.

Her group grew into a Harlem lesbian organisation known as "The Cement Mixers". Pussy Galore is herself a lesbian. In the novel, she has black hair, pale skin and the only violet eyes Bond has ever seen. She is in her thirties, her voice low and attractive. Pussy explains to Bond that she became a lesbian after she was sexually abused by her uncle at the age of 12.

Pussy Galore Pussy Galore Pussy Galore Pussy Galore Pussy Galore

Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

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Fantasy Teams Season 10 Record:

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Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Tie Ethan Hunt 5 to 5
Loss Sarah Connor 1 to 8
Loss Emma Peel 1 to 7