CBUB / Database / Comics / I / Infinites


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Read more about Infinites at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel Comics

Avengers: Infinity is a four-issue American comic book limited series published from September to December 2000 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Roger Stern and drawn by Sean Chen, Scott Hanna, Steve Oliff and Troy Peteri.

Writer Roger Stern has explained a number of the decisions that went into the planning of the series. On the diverse team line-up he said "I just put together a list of Avengers who would be at loose ends, and who would be good choices for a big, cosmic adventure ... with a welcome bit of kibitzing from Kurt Busiek and Tom Brevoort."

The idea or the huge hand "came from the image that Carlos Pacheco gave us in Avengers Forever #10. Kurt and I had asked him for a shot of a gigantic hand bigger than the star it was reaching for -- and, boy, did he deliver!"

The story also partly led into the "Maximum Security" storyline.

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