Read more about Mike, Lu, And Og at: Wikipedia Official Site: Cartoon Network Mike, Lu & Og is an American animated television series produced by KINOFILM Animation that ran on Cartoon Network. The show was the seventh Cartoon Cartoon, based on a short for The What a Cartoon! Show (Later known as The Cartoon Cartoon Show). Created by Mikhail Shindel, Mikhail Aldashin and Charles Swenson, the show follows a girl named Mike, a foreign exchange student from Manhattan; a self-appointed island princess named Lu; and a boy-genius named Og. The trio takes part in a variety of adventures as Mike and the island's natives share their customs with each other. Twenty-six half-hour episodes were produced, featuring two stories per episode. The series featured voice actor Nika Frost as Mike, Nancy Cartwright as Lu, and Dee Bradley Baker as Og. It began airing on Boomerang in May 2006 as reruns, though it is often removed from the schedule and put back on it on a frequent basis. Mike applied as a foreign exchange student, and on a lark asked to be sent to a tropical island (which has the strange capability to briefly sink then and "pop up like a cork" every "few hundred years or so"). She found herself dumped on a forgotten, scantily mapped island populated by descendants of a British shipwreck. This island is called Albonquetine, named after one of their founders, Joshua Wendell Albonquetine. It may be based on the real-life Pitcairn Island. The castaways have "gone native" and are trying to behave like Polynesians, with varying degrees of success. Amongst other things, this explains Og's name and his fashion sense (or lack thereof). 12-year old Manhattan-born Mike (short for Michelene) enjoys the features of the tropical island, but in return, misses the life that she had in New York and, as revealed in a particular instance, her school. Fortunately, Og is able to recreate many of the things that Mike misses most about the United States. Lu, a 11-year-old self-proclaimed princess of the island and Og's cousin, is characterized by her loud and arrogant nature. She continually exploits Mike, Og, and her pet turtle, Lancelot. Og, being sagacious to a fault, frequently obliges to her will, even at the cost of her own well-being. Though she has a habit of tormenting everyone, she usually learns a lesson in humility by the end of each episode. Lu's unruly behavior is most likely a result of poor parenting on the part of her father, Wendell. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |