CBUB / Database / Cartoons / M / Mr. Ratburn

Mr. Ratburn

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Read more about Mr. Ratburn at: Wikipedia

Official Site: PBS kids

This is a list of characters that are featured in the PBS Kids GO! Arthur television show, which is based on the book series by Marc Brown.

is the main character of the series. The main supporting characters are Buster, Francine, Muffy, the Brain, Mr. Ratburn, and Arthur's parents. Over the years, the roles of each character have changed as more episodes focused on characters besides Arthur or D.W., most notably Buster, Francine, and Muffy. Minor supporting characters such as Sue Ellen, George, and Fern have also had expanded roles in the series.

Like many other cartoon series, characters in the Arthur series do not age in order to maintain the status quo, although their universe does age in parallel to the real world. Ages presented in this article are their ages in most of the episodes. Their ages do change occasionally and temporarily such as in flashback scenes, future scenes, and birthday parties.

Arthur Timothy Read is an aardvark. Arthur's regular age is 8 years old. He wears brown glasses which he got in second grade. He has two sisters and a puppy dog.

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