Read more about Moxy at: Wikipedia Official Site: Cartoon Network The Moxy Show is an animation anthology television series produced by Hanna-Barbera and is the first Cartoon Network original series. The show ran on December 5, 1993, originally as The Moxy Pirate Show, and consisted of classic cartoons divided by 3-D animated interstitials featuring Moxy, a dog, and Flea, a flea. The show ran on Cartoon Network from 1993-1998 as a CGI cartoon and 1998-2000 as a hand drawn cartoon with CGI and live-action effects. The series aired its last episode on January 2, 2000 and reruns were removed completely on April 1, 2000. As of October 1, 2012, it is currently unknown if the series will ever be moved to Boomerang or released on a type of home media, or aired on television ever again. As of right now, Moxy is seen nowhere in the 20th anniversary poster or mentioned in the games nor as it's not scheduled in October's weekend Birthday schedule. Created by Scott Fellows, the series was originally titled as The Moxy Pirate Show which only featured Moxy. In 1995, the series was later renamed simply as The Moxy Show. In 1994, Flea (Moxy's sidekick) was added to the series and became an instant star in 1998. Also in 1998, due to Flea's popularity, the series was renamed The Moxy & Flea Show (which was the main title used by fans along with "The Moxy Show") with major changes: The series' production later changed from computer animation through a traditional animation cartoon until its cancellation on January 2, 2000. Reruns were removed completely on April 1, 2000, the same day where most of the classical cartoon programming were moved to Boomerang except for this show. The CGI Moxy is considered the first real-time (sometimes called a "live") cartoon, though never actually broadcast live. A puppeteer wearing a motion capture apparatus would act out Moxy's motions, while Goldthwait provided the voice, and a technician would control facial expressions. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |