Read more about Emma Swan at: Wikipedia Official Site: ABC The characters of Once Upon a Time, an ongoing 2011 American fantasy-drama series created by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, are classic fairy tale characters from the Enchanted Forest who are cursed to remain trapped by time in Storybrooke, Maine. They are forced to live forever without happy endings, and most of them cannot remember their true identites. The series revolves around lonely bail bond agent who is reunited with , the son she gave up for adoption ten years before. Not wanting a relationship with him, Emma drives him home to Storybrooke. On the way, he tells her that all of the stories in his large book of fairy tales are real: everyone in Storybrooke are characters from the book and are cursed by the and that as the daughter of and , Emma is the only one who can release them. She returns Henry to his adoptive mother Regina Mills, the town's mayor and the Evil Queen. Regina's antagonistic attitude causes Emma to become suspicious of her and she moves into town. Inadvertently, she starts breaking the curse. CBUB Match Record:
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