Read more about Zhane at: Wikipedia Official Site: Saban Zhane is a fictional character and hero in the Power Rangers universe, appearing in the television series Power Rangers in Space. He was portrayed by Justin Nimmo. Zhane was born on the planet KO-35, and like Andros and Karone, possesses telekinesis. Before the attack on his homeworld, Zhane was given the powers of the Silver Space Ranger. When he was seriously wounded in battle, Andros kept him cryogenically frozen aboard the Astro Megaship. During the events of the series, Zhane was accidentally released from the cryogenic chamber that had been keeping him alive and subsequently joined the Space Rangers. Due to having been frozen in a morphed state for two years, he became unable to retain his morphed form for longer than two minutes. In order to reverse this and enable him to remain a viable member of the team, he recharged his morpher with a bolt of lightning. He confided this to Alpha 6, and when the other Rangers overheard the two of them talking, they wrongly assumed that Zhane was terminally ill. Zhane took pleasure in humoring the other Rangers' beliefs, as they were bending over backwards to take care of him, until the truth was finally revealed, for which the other Rangers forced him to make up for it by doing their chores. He developed a crush on Astronema and she on him when he rescued her from one of her own monsters. They tried to form a relationship, but due to a misunderstanding, it did not work. He also formed a close friendship with the Yellow Ranger, Ashley Hammond, causing Andros to become jealous of him. Fortunately, he was able to explain things to Andros who afterwards was able to ask Ashley out on a date. Zhane left briefly to help his fellow survivors of KO-35, but he returned to help the Rangers with an asteroid heading for Earth with his new Zord, the Mega Winger. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |