CBUB / Database / Comics / H / Hulk (World War) (Zombie)

Hulk (World War) (Zombie)

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Venom 2009

Read more about Hulk (World War) (Zombie) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

In addition to his mainstream incarnation, Hulk has also been depicted in other fictional universes, in which Bruce Banner's transformation, behavior, or circumstances vary from the mainstream setting. In some stories, someone other than Bruce Banner is the Hulk.

Alternative versions of the character have appeared in a number of Marvel storylines.

In the Age of Apocalypse alternate setting, Bruce Banner was never exposed to gamma radiation, therefore, he did not become the Hulk. Instead he became a member of the Human High Council, where he as a scientist become a weapons designer. However he also yearns to become a mutant so he sold himself to Mihkail Rasputin, one of the Horsemen of Apocalypse, to give him mutants to test on to gain superpowers. He succeeds in his experiments and he can now transform in to a creature resembling the Grey Hulk. He was used as a mole in the Council, but was discovered by Susan Storm and Ben Grimm because the patterns of Bruce's injuries were identical to those sustained by the Hulk.

Bruce Banner was a scientist who was under contract from the United States government to build a device that would depower any mutant. However, during the testing phase one of the mutant volunteers began to panic. Her powers caused the machine to go off prematurely while still in the gamma spectrum. The mutants were killed and Banner was bombarded by gamma radiation. The combination of the radiation and the fact that some of the mutants' genes were imprinted on him as well, caused Banner to transform into the Hulk. Because of his exposure to mutant genes Banner holds a deep murderous resentment for all mutants, to the point that he volunteered for a suicide mission to detonate a chemical bomb that would destroy the entire mutant stronghold, forcing his former teammates to sacrifice their lives to detonate the bomb early.

Hulk (World War) (Zombie) has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.