CBUB / Database / Fantasy / D / Daja Kisubo

Daja Kisubo

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Betterman

Read more about Daja Kisubo at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Tamora Pierce

Daja Kisubo is a character in the Circle of Magic and The Circle Opens quartets and the standalone novel The Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce. She has ambient magic with metal and fire.

Daja is a black Trader, described as being tall, broad-shouldered and muscular. She wears her hair in a varying number of braid.

Daja is a Trader, a group of people who travel by caravan or ship and buy and sell things; she was fascinated with blacksmiths. She was orphaned at ten due to the sinking of the Third Ship Kisubo, its only survivor. Because of the bad luck associated with a lone survivor, Daja was made trangshi, an outcast from all Traders. In Daja's Book, the third book in the Circle of Magic quartet, she is reinstated as a Trader in gratitude for rescuing a Trader caravan from a forest fire.

Her family includes an unnamed father and mother as well as an older brother Uneny, all of whom were on the Third Ship Kisubo. In Tris's Book there is mention of a Fifth Ship Kisubo, its crew including her Uncle Tiwolu and Aunt Zayda (deceased). After her arrival at the Winding Circle temple community, orphan Daja is informally adopted into a group of mage misfits with Dedicates Lark and Rosethorn as the authority figures and Briar, Tris, and Sandry as her brother and sisters.

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