CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / T / Thunder Megazord (Ninja Storm)

Thunder Megazord (Ninja Storm)

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Added by: Venom 2009

Read more about Thunder Megazord (Ninja Storm) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Saban

The Zord of Power Rangers Ninja Storm, like the similarly titled Ninjazords of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, were giant mechanical animals, piloted by the Power Rangers. They were maintained, at least originally, by Cameron Watanabe, and then by his virtual duplicate Cyber-Cam. According to Super Sentai continuity the Ninja and Thunderzords can ride in the Brachiozord ( from Power Rangers Dino Thunder) into battle with the Dinozords although the footage for this was never used in Power Rangers.

The Rangers of the Wind Academy deploy several zords in battle. The Ninjazords consist of giant mechanical animals: Hawk, Lion, and Dolphin. Each possesses a different ability to use against enemies independently, but they also merge to form the Storm Megazord.

The Ninjazords combine to form the Storm Megazord: the Lion became the torso, chestplate, legs, and left arm of the Megazord, the Dolphin became the right arm and the Hawk became the head. The Storm Megazord can summon the Power Spheres from its chest to use in battle. It could also use the Blizzard Flurry using the ripcord on the Lion, the Dolphin Blast, using the ripcord on the Dolphin, and the Dolphin Laser which has blue lasers come from the Dolphins eyes. The Storm Megazord can also transform into a sleeker, thinner Lightning Megazord (explained below), which allows it to move faster but only lasts for 60 seconds. In Lightning Mode, it uses the Ramp Attack. The Storm Megazord was later destroyed in an explosion that also destroyed the Lothorzord.

The Storm Megazord can transform into the Lightning Megazord, slimming it down to a human feature and amazing speed and agility, but it lasts only 60 seconds.

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