CBUB / Database / Cartoons / D / Dino Riders

Dino Riders

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 1
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Venom 2009

Read more about Dino Riders at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Tyco

Dino-Riders is a cartoon television series that first aired in 1988. Only fourteen episodes were produced, three of which were produced on VHS for the United States. It aired in the U.S. as part of the Marvel Action Universe.

The series focuses on the battle between the good Valorians and evil Rulons on prehistoric Earth. The Valorians were a super human race, whilst the Rulons were a mixture of humanoid creatures — both of which came from the future, however ended up transported back in time to the age of Dinosaurs. Once on Earth, the Valorians befriended dinosaurs whilst the Rulons brain-washed them.

The Valorians were a peaceful race that had lived in harmony until the evil Rulons came and attacked them. The Valorians tried to escape from the Rulon assault and attempted to use their "Space Time Energy Projector" (S.T.E.P.) to do so, however something went wrong and they ended up being sent back through time to the age of the dinosaurs. Unbeknownst to them the Rulons in the spaceship Dreadlock were also sent back through time when the S.T.E.P. was activated.

The Valorians, led by Questar, after making planet-fall use their AMP necklaces to telepathically communicate with the dinosaurs they come across and befriend them. The Rulons, led by their leader Krulos, on the other hand used brainwashing devices known as brain-boxes to control dinosaurs for their own ends. The Rulons then launched an attack on the Valorians, who call upon their dinosaur friends to assist them in fighting back. After successfully defeating the Rulons, the Valorians declare themselves to be the Dino-Riders.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 4 to 18

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