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Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Dogmatix at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Orion Books

Dogmatix is a fictional character, a tiny white dog who belongs to Obelix in the Asterix comics. Dogmatix is a pun on the words dog and dogma. In the original French his name is Idéfix, itself a pun on the French expression idée fixe (fixed idea) meaning an obsession. This pun is unusual for a translation in that it is remarkably close to the original meaning and adds to it (by inclusion of the dog- syllable).

Dogmatix is the only main character in the series that is an animal. His role is minor in most of the stories, significant mainly as a 'bone' of contention between Asterix and Obelix as to whether he should be allowed to accompany them on their adventures. However, he is often doing something interesting in the background and occasionally fulfils an important part of the plot.

In the words of the authors, Dogmatix is the only known "canine ecologist" who loves trees and howls in distress whenever one is damaged. Despite his small size, he is quite fearless. He has drunk the magic potion on a number of occasions, but his favourite treat is to 'chew a bone'.

Dogmatix makes his first appearance in Asterix and the Banquet. He is first seen sitting in front of a butcher's shop in Lutetia, watching Asterix and Obelix go in. He then follows Asterix and Obelix all around Gaul, appearing in nearly every panel of the story until the end. The fact that he ran after them throughout the story was meant to be a literal running gag. He went unnoticed by the two men until the very end when he attracted Obelix' attention at the closing banquet and was given a pat on the head and a bone. He was meant to be a one-off character (hence his leaving the village in the final picture) but he was so effective that it was decided to bring him back.

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