CBUB / Database / Horror / S / Simon Cartwright

Simon Cartwright

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Z451

Read more about Simon Cartwright at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Lionsgate

The Ugly is a 1997 New Zealand horror/thriller film, the first feature directed and written by Scott Reynolds. The slasher film starred Paolo Rotondo, Rebecca Hobbs, Jennifer Ward-Lealand, and Roy Ward. The film is about a psychiatrist that is meeting with a serial killer to determine whether or not he has been successfully cured. They delve into a journey through his past and his victims, and through this "The Ugly," a distorted allusion to the The Ugly Duckling, is revealed. It was nominated for best film awards at festivals in New Zealand, Portugal and the United States.

The film takes place in an old, worn down insane asylum in Auckland, New Zealand, run by Dr Marlowe (Roy Ward). Simon Cartwright (Paolo Rotondo), one of his patients, is seeking an appeal from a psychiatrist to get a reevaluation of his mental state. He wants to prove that he’s been cured; Simon is a serial killer that has killed over a dozen different people. He wants a psychiatrist from outside of the asylum to take his case and he specifically asks for Dr Karen Shumaker. Dr Shumaker (Rebecca Hobbs) has recently gained some publicity from winning a case involving another serial killer.

There are two orderlies, Philip and Robert (Paul Glover and Christopher Graham), and they are the characters that are in charge of watching over the insane asylum’s patients. They are always harassing and abusing Simon; in the opening scene they bring him to a visitor’s room and cover the camera up so they can start beating him up. They also spit in his food and are always violent and aggressive with him.

When Dr Shumaker arrives, Dr Marlowe and she argue about seeing Cartwright; they don’t quite see eye to eye. Marlowe accuses her of only doing it to increase her publicity, however she tells him that it is Simon that has personally asked for her and so she proceeds with the visit. As she is led to the room where Simon is waiting, there is another patient, Marge (Darien Takle) roaming in the hallway outside the room Simon is in. She attacks Dr Shumaker telling her to watch out for “The Ugly.” When Shumaker finally gets to the interview room she and Cartwright begin their session.

Simon Cartwright has not been a contender in any CBUB matches.