CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / T / THE WOPR (Joshua)

THE WOPR (Joshua)

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Added by: ViceCityMobster86

Read more about THE WOPR (Joshua) at: Wikipedia

Official Site: MGM

WOPR (pronounced "Whopper") is a fictional military supercomputer featured in the movie WarGames and its sequel. It is an acronym for War Operation Plan Response. Director John Badham invented the name "WOPR" when he thought the NORAD SIOP (Single Integrated Operational Plan) was "boring, and told you nothing". "WOPR" according to the director plays off of the Whopper hamburger and a fuzzy image of something going whop.

WOPR is a form of artificial intelligence, programmed to play numerous strategy and war game, including one called Global Thermonuclear War, the purpose being to enable itself to optimally respond to any possible enemy nuclear attack. Unbeknownst to its military users, WOPR was programmed with a level of sentience by its inventor, and when prompted it responds to the name Joshua, the name of its creator's deceased son.

In the 2008 sequel WarGames: The Dead Code WOPR was retired and replaced with R.I.P.L.E.Y., a new artificial intelligence supercomputer. WOPR was used to run a hydroelectric dam in Canada but R.I.P.L.E.Y. sent an unmanned predator drone to destroy the old WOPR.

The WOPR computer as seen in the film was a prop created in Culver City, California by members of the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees Local 44. It was designed by production designer (credited as visual consultant) Geoffrey Kirkland based on some pictures he had of early tabulating machine, and metal furniture, consoles, and cabinets used particularly in the U.S. military in the 1940s and 50s. They were adapted in drawings and concepts by art director Angelo Graham. The prop was eventually broken up for scrap after production was completed.

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