CBUB / Database / Horror / S / Sergeant Doyle

Sergeant Doyle

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Added by: Boratz

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Official Site: 20th Century Fox

28 Weeks Later is a 2007 British/Spanish film sequel to the 2002 post-apocalyptic horror film 28 Days Later. 28 Weeks Later was directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and released in the United Kingdom and United States on 11 May 2007. The on-location filming took place in London and 3 Mills Studios, although scenes intended to be shot at Wembley Stadium, then undergoing final stages of construction, were filmed instead in Wales, with Cardiff's Millennium Stadium used as a replacement.

During the outbreak of the Rage Virus, Donald Harris (Robert Carlyle) and his wife Alice are hiding in a farmhouse somewhere in rural England. They are living with four other survivors, who are growing increasingly depressed and as they debate about the possibility of other survivors, a terrified boy bangs on the cottage door, demanding entrance. Donald is hesitant, but complies. Inside the house, the boy tells the group that he was being chased by his parents, who had been Infected by the virus. He tells them that there was an entire pack of Infected chasing him too. Moments later, the horde of Infected attack the cottage, and in the chaos many of the survivors succumb to the Infection. Alice Harris desperately calls for her husband to help her and the boy, but Donald sprints towards a motorboat where he fights off the Infected and barely makes it out alive as the sole survivor.

Over the course of twenty-eight weeks after the outbreak, all the Infected have died of starvation and Britain is declared to be relatively safe. An American-led NATO force, under the command of Brigadier General Stone (Idris Elba), begins bringing in settlers to repopulate the area. Amongst the new arrivals are Tammy (Imogen Poots) and Andy (Mackintosh Muggleton), Don and Alice's children, who were in Spain during the initial outbreak. They are subsequently admitted to District One, a heavily patrolled safe zone of London guarded by the US Army, on the Isle of Dogs. As they are examined by Major Scarlet Ross (Rose Byrne), the district's chief medical officer, she notes Andy's differently coloured eyes, a trait inherited from his mother. Sergeant Doyle (Jeremy Renner) and his friend, Flynn (Harold Perrineau), a helicopter pilot, are amongst the military presence charged with guarding the district. The children are reunited with their father who has become one of the district's senior caretakers.

The next day, Tammy and Andy, mournful over the loss of their mother, slip out of the safe zone and make their way through the empty and ruined London to their former house. They had hoped to find a photograph of their mother there, but to their astonishment discover her hiding upstairs, though in a semi-conscious and disheveled state. Doyle had seen the two children leave the safe zone; they and their mother are thus subsequently picked-up by the US Army and returned to the district where Alice is tested and found to be infected with the rage virus, but displaying no symptoms, which categorises her as a rare asymptomatic carrier. Using his all-access caretaker pass card to bypass security, Don makes an unauthorised visit to Alice in her isolation cell and asks forgiveness for abandoning her at the cottage. When they kiss, however, the Rage Virus in her saliva immediately Infects Don, who savagely kills her and goes on a rampage, killing and Infecting soldiers in the building.

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