CBUB / Database / Pop-Culture / Z / Zack Morris

Zack Morris

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 3
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: patrickthekid

Read more about Zack Morris at: Wikipedia

Official Site: NBC

Zachary "Zack" Morris is a fictional character from the sitcoms Good Morning, Miss Bliss; Saved by the Bell; and Saved by the Bell: The College Years. He was portrayed by Mark-Paul Gosselaar. Though the character appeared in several different television programs, Gosselaar made a concerted effort to keep the character fundamentally the same through its various incarnations.

Set in a different continuity from the later series (though later added to the syndication package), the one season of the sitcom Good Morning, Miss Bliss took place during Zack's eighth grade year at John F. Kennedy Junior High School in Indianapolis, Indiana (Saved by the Bell is set in California). Screech and Lisa are two of Zack's friends in these episodes. Other friends that are regularly featured are Mikey Gonzalez, a close friend who is often tied up in Zack's scheming, and Nikki Coleman, who often butted heads with Zack on many issues. His best friend Mikey was a good student and was often supportive of him, and helped him with schoolwork a lot. Mr. Belding was the principal of JFK Junior High, and often had to deal with problems Zack had caused. Zack's homeroom teacher and history teacher, Miss Carrie Bliss, also helped provide a moral compass for Zack.

In this series, Zack was already doing much of the scheming, betting, and manipulation for which he became known in the later series. Examples include selling the stock the students had bought as a class project and investing the money in potatoes, setting rats loose in the school in order to get a test postponed, using a relationship between his uncle and Miss Bliss to get out of doing homework, betting Nikki that he could kiss a rock star who was coming to the school, and getting Screech to write his history report by promising a date with Lisa, even though all he actually does is write love letters to Lisa from a secret admirer, on Screech's behalf.

Zack demonstrated a flair for business throughout his teen years (Saved by the Bell). However, in many subjects (notably history and literature), he is often seen receiving poor grades or displaying lack of interest. And it has to be mentioned that he outclassed Jessie in "The Election" for student president another area he demonstrated his natural talent for leadership.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Walter Bishop 3 to 13
Loss Anton Sevarius 4 to 8
Loss Mr. Feeny 1 to 5

No Fantasy Draft Records Available