CBUB / Database / Comics / W / Winter


CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
CBUB Ties: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: AVP vs The Terminator

Read more about Winter at: Wikipedia

Official Site: DC Comics

Winter is a fictional character who is published by Wildstorm Productions. He first appeared in Stormwatch (Vol.1) #1.

As a young boy growing up in frigid Siberia, Nikolas Kamarov saw gymnastics as his way out. After great effort and struggle, he achieved the first step toward his dreams: a position on the Soviet Olympic team. After discovering how the rest of the world lived, his regard for the Soviet State turned to deep resentment. But an unsuccessful attempt to defect placed him in the hands of Moscow authorities and at the mercy of an impending judgement.

He was forced to join the Soviet Spetsnaz. After becoming hardened by the horrors of his service, Nikolas was wounded during the ill-fated occupation of Afghanistan. Oddities in his medical records attracted the attention of Stormwatch, the United Nation's superhuman response team, and shortly thereafter the United Nations took the opportunity to activate Kamarov's powers and bring him into Stormwatch.

It was speculated that Winter was the son of Zealot (from the WildC.A.T.s) as evidenced in the 1995 Zealot-Voodoo Skin Trade Special comic. This speculation was initially due to the psychic oracle character Providence telling Zealot that she would be reunited with her long lost child during the issue's adventure. While others mistakenly believe that her child is a young girl that she tries to protect from Daemonite warriors, the one time Zealot speaks to Voodoo about her child, she is cut off before she revealed the gender of the child she left in the care of a Russian couple. Not seeing her child (a boy) there, she confronts Providence about this. The oracle then tells her that all she needs to do is look before her to see her true child. At this a helicopter appears with U.N. Forces, and StormWatch reinforcements, to help rescue the collected children and Winter steps out asking Zealot if she needs his help. She then looks at his white hair (an unusual trait for humans in WSU) and hears his Russian accent, and realizes that it is Winter that is her son but keeps this knowledge to herself. This was supported by the fact that Winter's age matched the hypothetical age of the child Zealot had with John Colt. The fact that the child's age was never revealed led to open speculation.


Images with a green border may be set as the character's main profile image.

For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

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