Read more about Breach at: Wikipedia Official Site: Cartoon Network The following is list of characters the appear in the cartoon series, Generator Rex. Rex Salazar is the protagonist of the series. Rex is a young amnesiac E.V.O. with the ability to grow various numerous machines out of his body. He can also use his nanites to communicate with and control nearby machines, and to absorb active nanites from some other E.V.O.s, curing them. Control of his powers is linked to his emotional state, and can fail with low self-confidence, agitation or inner conflict. As shown in the episodes 'Plague' and 'Rampage', his powers can also fail when worn-out and tired. Rex experiences frustration in the tightly controlled environment of Providence, which he often vents through elaborate displays of disobedient behavior such as repeatedly breaking out of the base to go on "road trips" with Bobo. Rex sometimes voices fears that he may experience another blackout and forget his current life and friends. The series initially shrouds his past in mystery, slowly revealing it bit-by-bit; a fragmentary reconstruction of it can be assembled from various episodes. In "Mixed Signals," Rex learns that his last name is "Salazar," that his parents were scientists named Rafael and Violetta, and that his older brother is named Caesar. He also learns that he was born in Geneva, Switzerland, during his parent's travels around the world, while his father was from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and his mother was from Mexico City, Mexico. When Rex was ten years old, his family was part of the nanite-technology research project in Abysus. Rex was severely injured, with an experimental nanite-related treatment administered by his parents' colleague Dr. Gabriel Rylander his only hope for survival. The cure apparently works; however, as a side effect, Rex begins manifesting E.V.O. powers, in the form of bio-mechanical machines. The Nanite-Release Event occurs around this point; Rex becomes separated from his family. His parents' fate has not been elaborated upon, but it is implied they were killed in the Event, while his brother Caesar escaped (and was trapped) in a superluminal spacecraft. Rex surfaced as an E.V.O. street-gang leader in Hong Kong, China, suffering from periodic amnesia-causing blackouts. At some point after that, he was retrieved by Providence after transforming into a rampaging robotic E.V.O.; his present set of memories begin at this point. Rex's powers come in the form of "builds," machine enhancements his nanites can generate seemingly out of thin air. Until "Crash and Burn", only one build is ever shown being manifested at a time, with the exception of one brief scene in "Without a Paddle." In the first season, builds include robotic arms/hands (called "Smack Hands" by Rex), robotic legs/feet ("Punk Busters"), a sword/rotary saw ("Big Fat Sword" or BFS), a bazooka-like cannon ("Slam Cannon"), a ducted-fan -pack ("Boogie Pack") (also capable of working underwater), and a hover-bike ("Rex Ride"). During the second season, Rex gains additional builds after the Omega-1 nanite he had been injected with by Dr. Rylander spontaneously activates. Whereas the first-season builds have a purely mechanical character and a predominantly orange color scheme, the second season builds seem to be energy-based, with a blue color scheme. They include a backpack dynamo with an electrified, extensible whip-like tentacle ("Blast Caster"), a pair of extending fists which can rotate and generate energy shock-waves ("Funchucks"),a pair of energy-enhanced hand axes ("Battle Axes"), a pair of force-field generating arms ("Block Party"), and a hover board ("Rex Board"). In 'Written in Sand', Rex learns that the Omega-One nanite has a nanite self-replicating function, allowing him to make his own nanites. In the episode 'Haunted' it's revealed that he can now successfully cure non-humans, whereas in the first season he could only cure humans. In "Crash and Burn", he gaines the ability to use two builds at once. In "A Family Holiday", Rex helps Dr. Holiday cure her sister Beverly along with Six. Beverly is fully cured and Rex is immediately smitten with her (she is also around the same age as him). He reveals to Six that he realizes that Dr. Holiday is a little too old for him and decides to focus his attentions on Beverly instead. At the end of the episode, Rex takes Beverly out on a date at the mall. At the end of "Lions and Lambs," Rex finds himself six months into the future due to Breach's powers, and in "Back in Black," he joins White Knight's resistance movement.He leaves them after he learns there plans, to stop curing evos and put control devices on them to use for anything they want such as armies, slaves, etc. He is rescued by Six and Holiday and joins there new group that includes Bobo and White knight to fight Black Knight. Agent Six is a senior Providence agent and Rex's handler. He wears a green suit with a black tie and black sunglasses; it is implied he is very particular about his choice of attire, as he owns an entire closetful of identical suits. He has a humorless by-the-book personality, following orders above all else. He tends to treat Rex somewhat coolly, but has also shown a soft spot for him. Six is proficient in several forms of martial arts, is in excellent shape, and wields a pair of fold-up katanas that can slice through most materials with ease. These katanas also have magnetic properties when joined together into a shape similar to a tuning fork. In "Divided By Six," it revealed that Six is part of an informal group with five other skilled fighters known as "The Six", and that his name represents his being the sixth most dangerous person in the world. Six also revealed that "One" (the most dangerous person in the world) had taken Six in when he was homeless and trained him. In "A Family Holiday", it is revealed that Six may have romantic feelings for Dr. Holiday. At the end of the episode he asks her out to have dinner together, to which she accepts. In "Six Minus Six," Agent Six loses his current memories of the last six years, but has agreed to let go of the past and start learning how to become the Six that everyone else knows. In "Back in Black," it was mentioned to Rex by Black Knight that Dr. Holiday and Agent Six were out looking for Rex when he was "missing" for six months. It is later revealed that Dr. Holiday, Agent Six, and Bobo Haha have sided with White Knight in his resistance against Black Knight's beliefs when Dr. Holiday and Agent Six secretly rescued Rex from Black Knight. Bobo Haha is a talking E.V.O. chimp and Rex's sidekick. He wears an eye patch and fez. Aside from the ability to talk, he seems to be a completely normal chimpanzee. He wields a pair of laser pistols in combat. Before the nanite event, he was a therapy chimpanzee trained to entertain children at a hospital. In "Robo Bobo," Bobo created a robot with a "nice" personality, which annoyed Rex. The Robot Bobo was used as a decoy for Providence when the Real Bobo went out somewhere for "Bobo time." In "Back in Black," it is revealed that Bobo Haha had programmed Robo Bobo into taking his place when Black Knight took over Providence at the time when Rex was "missing" for six months. He, alongside Agent Six, Dr. Holiday, and White Knight, is fighting against Black Knight and her harsh extreme measures against all of E.V.O.-kind. No Regular Play Records Available No Fantasy Draft Records Available |