CBUB / Database / Cartoons / X / Xandir P. Wifflebottom

Xandir P. Wifflebottom

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 3
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: Schornforce

Read more about Xandir P. Wifflebottom at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Comedy Central

List of characters appearing in the animated series Drawn Together.

A sharp-tongued parody of Valerie Brown from Josie and the Pussycats, she is a promiscuous, mystery-solving musician. Most of her humor revolves around her sexual habits and her unsophisticated or uneducated manner of speech; she is often used to poke fun at black stereotypes, but is the wisest and most far-sighted of all the housemates. Her name is an amalgam of blaxploitation characters Foxy Brown and Christy Love. She has at least two children, Qualmella and Timmy (the circumstances of Timmy's missing status change from episode to episode), as well as a teenaged grandson named Ray-Ray. All were mentioned in a few episodes and were then taken away from her. She was also a member of an all-girl band, the Foxy Five, which consisted of various other female versions of black cartoon characters and is a reference to the "mystery solving" cliche in cartoons. Among reality show archetypes, she represents the sassy black woman, often acting as the voice of reason among the cast members (or "the only one in the house who isn't completely retarded"), though she does have certain issues that spark her fiery temper. She is voiced by Cree Summer. In original artwork before the show's release, Foxxy Love wore a different outfit.

For the panda, see Ling Ling (panda) (without hyphen).

A crazy and homicidal spoof of Pikachu from the Pokémon franchise, who battles using various supernatural powers/abilities and speaks in pseudo-Japanese gibberish (or Japorean, as Ling-Ling's voice Abbey DiGregorio calls it) with English subtitles. Most of his humor revolves around his sociopathic desires or his difficulty assimilating into American culture; he is often used to poke fun at Asian stereotypes. Among reality show archetypes, he represents the culture shock foreigner. In "Freaks & Greeks", Ling-Ling's father states that Ling-Ling's full name is Ling-Ling Hitler Bin Laden Seacrest. However, according to Executive Producer Bill Freiberger, this is just a gag and not canon. In original artwork before the show's release, Ling-Ling was green and much smaller, similar to Jerry the mouse from Tom and Jerry. In the episode "Super Nanny" it is shown that because Ling-Ling has Asian-like eyes he sees things as a manga instead of normal vision. It was revealed that he had a bad relationship with his battle monster trainer (A parody of Ash Ketchum), who would not allow him a chance to live his dream of becoming a dancer.

CBUB Match Record:

Result Opponent My Score   Their Score
Loss Kakashi Hatake 22 to 66
Loss Link 17 to 86
Loss Juniper Lee 37 to 46

No Fantasy Draft Records Available